
The Collie is notorious for being an ideal family dog.  Its intelligence and temperament lend itself to enjoying the active family lifestyle, as well as to the responsibility of watching out for the family’s safety and well-being. Breed health issues include bloat, skin disease, and eye problems.  All puppies need to have their eyes examined by a canine ophthalmologist.

Matt Stelter – Wyndlair Collies – Wisconsin Collie Breeder

Doberman Pinscher

There are many misconceptions about this breed, one of the biggest being that they are a very mean and nasty dog. You will find that with a little bit of time and care that this breed can be just as kind and loving as a Labrador Retriever. With this breed, as with most breeds, it’s really about how you raise the dog. –Shane Hooper- Professional Dog Show Handler/Christina Caporale – Breeder

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VETMEDIN Print Ad - 2007

German Shepherd

In my opinion, the German Shepard is the most loyal and most devoted of any breed of dog. They are also the most versatile too. This is the reason they are trained as patrol dogs, bomb dogs, drug dogs, and are great in agility and obedience too. You will find they can do it all. They can make good family dogs too. As long as they come from a good reputable breeder, you should not have health problems.

All Breed Dog Rescue - Website:

Golden Retriever

Coming Soon!!

Great Dane

The Great Dane is a breed that will seek human companionship and you will find that they are like having a partner. Overall, you want to be careful with kids because of their size. The size can also pose a problem in confined areas too. This is not a dog that you want to leave outside. They want to be with you, and really want to be members of the family. Like many breeds, the level of their involvement with the family will determine how good of a family pet they will become. - Vicki Kimbell, Joy DeGruccio  Email:


Because of Greyhound racing, many people think that this is a breed that needs to run, but the truth is they are really couch potatoes. You will find that they are good family dogs and are probably the sweetest and mellowest of all the breeds. This breed also will make a very good therapy dog too. They are extremely healthy and are the only large breed that does not have hip dysplasia. – All Breed Dog Rescue Website:

Irish Setter

Irish Setters make wonderful family companions and enjoy being with the youngest to oldest person in the household. They are at times clowns, and have their own sense of humor. They were originally bred for hunting so this breed does require a lot of exercise. And also because of their beautiful long, russet colored hair, they require brushing several times a week. – Kathy Whiteis Email:

IAMS National Commercial – 2001

Irish Wolfhound

This is a breed that will make a wonderful family pet. But make sure you understand what this breed was originally bred for. This is a dog that was bred for hunting, so his prey instinct is still there, so he needs a lot of exercise. This is not hyper dog, and it is not a guard dog either. You need to know that this breed is as tall as your dining room table and can take things off the top of the refrigerator too. This dog is especially good for a stay at home family.  - Dixie Hirsch Website:

VETMEDIN Print Ad - 2007

Labrador Retriever

Coming soon!!

Russian Wolfhound (Borzoi)

The Borzoi is a very calm, kind dog that can make an excellent family dog, and they are great with kids. You will find that although this is a large dog, most of the time they are real couch potatoes. For a big dog, they are also very easy to take care of, and they also can be good apartment dogs as long as they go out for walks regularly. - Patrick and Sharon Cordova (Skyline Borzoi) Email:

Saint Bernard

This is a dog that can be a family dog, but you really want to make sure you do some research on the individual dog you are looking to buy or adopt. This breed can vary a lot in personality, and some have been known to be aggressive with people. But it all varies, and I believe it is the way the animal is raised. An example is we would keep ours with a child. The Saint Bernard can be very affectionate and extremely warm and playful. - Jane Miller Email:

VETMEDIN Print Ad - 2007


This breed will make a great family pet, and is excellent with children of all ages. Sometimes they are too smart for their own good. Even though this is a sporting dog, they are not meant to live outdoors. Remember that these dogs were bred to be hunters as they hunted, but they were also bred to be with the hunter when not in the field. Because of wanting to be with people, they can also develop separation anxiety – Kathy LePenske            


PURINA PRO PLAN National Commercial - 2007



If you are not a professional breeder, it is essential that your dog be spayed or neutered as soon as possible. When should your dog be spayed or neutered? That is a decision that is based on two things. The specific breed, and the reccomendation of the veterinarian that knows your specific dog.







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